Many people assume that a brand is simply the logo or the company’s name. Sure, that’s part of it, but there’s so much more to brands than just that. There are so many things that work together to make up your brand, and by identifying and capitalising on these things, you can ensure that the brand you emit to your audience is the brand you want to show.

So, how do you ensure your brand is just the way you want it to be? By considering the elements that make up a perfect brand.

1. The Voice of the Brand
This is one of the most important elements of a brand and potentially one of the easiest to ignore. Your brand’s voice is the personality that people see when they look at your brand. It’s the way you communicate with your audience and is essentially what your brand is all about. 
The voice of the brand encompasses more than just how you talk, though. It is how your brand behaves, what values your brand stands for, what your brand feels like to people, and how your brand looks. Your brand’s voice is unique to your brand, and while it may change over time, it’s important to make sure that your voice is congruent with the kind of brand you want to be.

2. The Promise
A promise is what your brand does for people. In people’s minds your brand will solve the problem that they perceive. 
Your promise can be anything from affordability to quality, from convenience to security, and everything in between. Remember that your perfect brand’s promise is, essentially, the call to action your audience will come to you with.

3. The Values
Think of your brand’s values as the moral code your brand lives by. Your brand’s values are what differentiate you from your competitors and are what your customer sees as the benefits of choosing you as their brand. 
Furthermore, these values should be in line with your promise and are what you are known for. When people think of your brand, they think of your brand’s values. These values shouldn’t change, but they can be played around with, as long as it doesn’t stray from the values you’ve already set.

4. The Target Audience
Your target audience is the group of people that you aim to reach with your brand. The people who will benefit the most from your product or service and who your brand is designed to serve. 
Your target audience is the group of people that your brand is built for, and they are what your brand exists to please. You should consider your target audience from the beginning of your brand’s creation and make sure that your brand is of service to the people you want to reach.

5. The Identity
Think of your brand’s identity as your brand’s outward appearance. Your brand’s identity is what the public will see and what they will associate with your brand. It’s how your brand looks and feels and, essentially, how your brand presents itself to the public. 
Moreover, when people look at your brand, they should know exactly what your brand is. They should be able to immediately understand your brand’s identity.

6. The Positioning
Moreover, positioning is essentially how your target audience sees your brand. It’s what makes you different from all your competitors, and it’s how you want to be seen. Positioning can also be a way to segment your target audience, showing them how you’re different from everyone else. 
Positioning is essentially a statement about your brand and is what you say about your brand to your audience.

In conclusion, branding is a process of self-discovery, one where you can learn more about your business and how you want others to feel about it. You can tweak and change your brand elements for years to come, and as long as your brand is congruent with the audience you want to reach, you’re doing a great job of branding. Just consider the above factors, and you’ll be good to go!
iirth is a branding and web design studio in London, offering a variety of services to help companies maximise their online presence and reach. If you are looking for brand creation help, get in touch with us today!