We all know how great social media can be for businesses. We’ve talked about it numerous times and still continue to sing its praises.
We’re going to run through a few quick tips to help make sure you’re utilising social media to it’s fullest. Millions of businesses are using social media as a platform to connect to their audience, but not everyone is reaping the benefits of the platforms.
Drive traffic
Did you know that social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are some of the highest traffic websites in the entire world? We know you did. We’re just testing you… With your business on social media, you can take a piece of this pie. Social media creates a huge chunk of organic traffic for your business.
Just creating a page and leaving it to gather dust, is not the answer. Be active, engage with your audience and utilise on the traffic, by directing customers to your website or campaigns. If you’ve got a new range of products coming out, share it and post a link through to the product page. If you’re having a brand new website made, share it and post a link through to the website. More often than not, your followers want to see posts like these, which shows your activity on social media.
Remember customers expect you to create a path for them. They’re not always willing to type your URL into their address bars and then go and search for the specific page on their own. They need to be spoonfed – so to speak. Create a funnel for your leads and keep it consistent.
Increase in quality leads
This stems from what we just spoke about. Social media gives you the opportunity to connect with over 3.4 billion people. This is why social media marketing is such a powerful tool. It gives you the opportunity to target potential customers using numerous filters such as geographic location and interests. This is fantastic for searching for leads if you’re a B2B company, it is also great for B2C.
Find people who qualify as quality lead for your business. The more criteria they fit, the better of a lead they can turn out to be. Once you’ve found them connect with them and drive them through your set out stages of lead nurturing.
Increase popularity
Becoming a social media eccentric brand is the goal for all businesses. You want to have a following who engage with your business. The benefits of this are self-explanatory. However, what many people don’t know is it helps increase your authority on sites such as Google.
Popular social media pages tend to rank high on search results and also platforms like Googe My Business. Impressions, CTR, Views, Likes, Shares and more all do their bit on the analytics side to see if your profile is doing well or not. So what you can take away from this is, if you have a dormant business profile that has a decent amount of followers, dust it off and start up your engine. Let your followers know you’re back and start posting to social media regularly.
As with all things marketing, be sure to have a strategy in place. Remember time is money. Allocate time and tasks to social media, this means having things such as a budget if you’re going to go into social media marketing. Also committing to a social media schedule and ensuring you stick to it. Be sure to learn what works and what doesn’t.
If you need to speak to someone regarding social media for your business. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can work together.